Q & Baby Rose Tickets
Echoplex | Los Angeles, California
With a voice unrivaled Q & Baby Rose is the type of singer that always produces an amazing live show that cannot be compared to anyone or anything before it. You know many of the beats, you know all of the lyrics, and now is the best chance to witness Q & Baby Rose and front and center! On Friday 16th June 2023 in 2023, Q & Baby Rose descends upon Los Angeles, California and guarantees that you will leave feeling brand NEW! Critics have hailed this latest tour as a must-see, so do what you can to catch this act! To gain entry, click on the ‘get tickets’ button and reserve your seats today!
The R&B Q & Baby Rose razzle-dazzle takes hard work. Echoplex At The Echo has to attract and keep fans interested by inviting outstanding R&B performers. Buy a ticket today and come and enjoy the best show in Los Angeles and probably all of California. What more can you ask for than luxurious chairs in the concert hall, a spacious stage, splendid lighting and state-of-the-art acoustics? No matter which seat you reserve, the lighting and sound system ensure your experience is the same as the next person’s. When you look below, you will see a ‘get tickets’ button. When you click on it, the instructions will guide you in buying a ticket.